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Our volunteers make what we offer at PLA possible.  Homeschool co-operatives rely heavily on the caring people who help nurture and inspire young minds. Volunteers are rewarded with the satisfaction that comes from serving others. 

If you would like to volunteer your time please   

Volunteer Opportunities

The Chino co-operative is currently looking for parent volunteers to fill the following positions for the Fall semester:

  • Morning parent helper : Tasks would include supervising students playing games or working on projects, reading with new readers, answering phones, signing students in and out and supervising during breaks or passing periods.

    • Shifts for this position are currently available.  Volunteer one day a week or one day a month, the choice is yours.

  • Afternoon parent helper :  â€‹Tasks would include assisting students working on projects, answering phones, light paperwork, tidying up for the end of the day, signing students in and out and supervising during breaks or passing periods.

    • Shifts for this position are currently available.  Volunteer one day a week or one day a month, the choice is yours.

  • Plan a field trip or school event.  If you are an event planner at heart we need your skills.  Sign-up to coordinate a school event.  



ELECTIVE classes $375 per semester (exception STAND ALONE CLASS 1 DAY (K-8th MATH, ELA)$375


 2 DAY A WEEK ELA/LIT: $725 or Saxon 4-8 & RS Math $725 High School SCIENCE $575 per semester,


HS ENG & History $495, HS MATH $725, FENCING $450, MUSIC $475/$550))


**This class has a $45 semester lab fee. SEWING/CROTCHET ROBOTICS AND COOKING

Play-Based Learning Academy, LLC

Chino, CA 91710


909-287-1085 GOOGLE VOICE

909-513-6341  Jacky  TEXT or CALL





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