Right Start Math
$325 semester cost - 1 day a week
$675 semester cost - 2 days a week
This unique program uses visualization of quantities, de-emphasizes counting, and provides strategies (visual pictures) for learning the facts. The primary learning tool is the AL Abacus, a specially designed two-sided abacus that is both kinesthetic and visual.
To appreciate visualization, try to imagine eight yellow boxes in a line without grouping them–virtually impossible. Next, imagine five of those boxes as blue and three as yellow.
Now you can see them. The children learn to use these mental models for mental arithmetic.
For young children, counting is inaccurate and inefficient, and it ignores place value. However, grouping quantities in fives and tens makes it possible to recognize quantities without counting and to see them mentally.
Understanding is stressed. Math needs to be taught so 95% is understood and only 5% memorized. When children understand, they will need to spend less time in review and practice. When children don’t understand, they memorize until the burden becomes too great and then give up. Rote memorization is high maintenance; it requires constant review. Those merely memorizing math usually can’t apply it and generally dislike it.
Place value is introduced early. The Place Value Cards help children understand how to construct numbers and to read them in the normal order from left to right. To understand the pattern that ten 1s is 10, ten 10s is 100, and ten 100s is 1000, the child must work with 4-digit numbers. Stopping at 99, as does traditional math, prevents children from seeing the pattern.
Right Start Math at PLA
At PLA we group students into classes based on their skill level. In general 1st through 3rd graders are developmentally ready for levels B or C, while older children will be able to master the concepts of levels D and E. To find out which level best fits your child visit the RightStart website at http://rightstartmath.com/placement-test/ and complete the quick placement test.
Our Right Start math classes include two levels, this allows our talented teachers to place each student according to the concepts they have mastered. Because Right Start Math incorporates games into their lessons we are able to structure our class sessions into two groups, based on skill level. One group will enjoy playing games, or completing hands-on projects, that apply the concepts they are learning. At the same time the other group is able to work with the teacher in a 5-1 student - teacher ratio for 45 minutes, after which time the two groups switch.