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$300 per semester


Cultivate a love of plants and a connection with nature in your child.  Students will learn about vascular and non-vasculars plants, their environments and their uses.  Throughout the semester the class will care for the PLA Fall vegetable garden, fruit trees and herb garden.  Naturally, we will need to sample the fruits of our labors with a day in the kitchen.  

We will learn about ornamental plants as well as the variety of uses we can obtain from them.  Some of our class activities will include creating a pumpkin patch, individual gardens, growing new plants from trimmings, and making terrariums.  Join us this Fall and watch your love for the outdoors grow.

ELECTIVE classes $375 per semester (exception STAND ALONE CLASS 1 DAY (K-8th MATH, ELA)$375


 2 DAY A WEEK ELA/LIT: $725 or Saxon 4-8 & RS Math $725 High School SCIENCE $575 per semester,


HS ENG & History $495, HS MATH $725, FENCING $450, MUSIC $475/$550))


**This class has a $45 semester lab fee. SEWING/CROTCHET ROBOTICS AND COOKING

Play-Based Learning Academy, LLC

Chino, CA 91710


909-287-1085 GOOGLE VOICE

909-513-6341  Jacky  TEXT or CALL





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