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     Please take a moment to asses your child's writing and math abilities prior to registering for classes.  All of our classes have a variety of ages, as we value the student's ability to master concepts before moving on to new concepts.  This firm foundation ensures future success throughout the students educational career, and enables all of our students to get the most out of every class.


Math - We offer young students Right Start math.  This math curriculum gives students a solid number sense, emphasizes mental comprehension and de-emphasizes rote memorization.  Right Start also enables students to think mathematically, which greatly improves standardized test scores clear into high school.  By fourth or fifth grade students are ready for a more systematic approach to math.  At this point we offer Saxon Math.


Writing - Students build on writing skills just as they do with math.  It is important that they master each skill to build good composition skills that will take them through high school and into college.    

ELECTIVE classes $375 per semester (exception STAND ALONE CLASS 1 DAY (K-8th MATH, ELA)$375


 2 DAY A WEEK ELA/LIT: $725 or Saxon 4-8 & RS Math $725 High School SCIENCE $575 per semester,


HS ENG & History $495, HS MATH $725, FENCING $450, MUSIC $475/$550))


**This class has a $45 semester lab fee. SEWING/CROTCHET ROBOTICS AND COOKING

Play-Based Learning Academy, LLC

Chino, CA 91710


909-287-1085 GOOGLE VOICE

909-513-6341  Jacky  TEXT or CALL





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